Thursday, January 2, 2020

Sexism And Its Impact On Society - 1046 Words

Since the beginning of history , sexism has formed a barrier between the sexes. Sexism has always been a major issue for women specially.The belief that a woman is inferior to man has always been the most common in all history. Although we’ve come a long way in the getting rid of sexist views , even in today’s modern society , sexism prevails. In Mythology, Romans thought women were â€Å" secondary to men,† who brought upon â€Å"unhappiness and vices† like in the tale of Pandora.(Mark4) The Roman family was â€Å"male-dominated† meaning most decisions were carried out by â€Å"most senior male figure â€Å" (Mark 4) Women were expected to play their â€Å" perceived role in society† - such as â€Å"..looking out after the home and nurture a family† (Mark 4). Every aspect of a roman was very controlled due to the belief that they hadâ€Å" weak judgement†(Mark 4) Double standards were even present during this time. Roman mal es expected their women to be â€Å"honourable and chaste† while â€Å" they were more than willing to enjoy themselves the services of lovers and prostitutes.†(Mark) Roman law even dictated that prostitutes and waitress couldn’t prosecute for rape and rape of slaves was considered â€Å"property damage†.(Mark 4) During the Victorian period â€Å"men and women’s role became more sharply defined that any time in history.†(Hughes 5)The Victorian era focused very much on what was considered feminine and masculine. Women were thought of as â€Å"physically weaker yet morallyShow MoreRelatedSocial Construction Of Race And Gender1529 Words   |  7 PagesSocial Construction of Race and Gender, Patriarchy and Prejudice and Discrimination in the Society Social construct may be defined as the social mechanism or a category which has been created by the society. It may either be a perception which is created by an individual or an idea which is constructed as a result of the culture. 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