The Introduction Of A Review Essay Of Multiple Authors On One Topic
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Curse Of Hard Work And Painful Labor - 1759 Words
One of the biggest question Christians are often faced with is how could God let all the hurt and death in the world happen. The answer that most people do not realize is that it is sin that is responsible for the trials that plague humanity. Sin being the rebellion against God’s will using his creation for a purpose that he did not intend. Since sin was allowed to enter the world because of Adam and Eve, Humanity has been faced with its spiritual and physical implications. The curse of hard work and painful labor are the lessor results of sin. The biggest effect of sin is spiritually breaking the constant communion humanity once had with God. The good news is that although God is not responsible for the sin created by humanity, He is responsible for the redemption from it. Since before Adam and Eve were given the free will to choose him or not, He has been planning a way to return humanity back to the harmony it once had in the Garden of Eden. God is truly the creator and red eemer of humanity, because he made humanity for a purpose that they ultimately did not follow and yet he still brought his creation back to him. Someone cannot be a savior if they have no one who is need of saving. To begin to prove how God redeems humanity, is to show how humanity needed to be redeemed to begin with. Humanity requires salvation by God because of sin. Brian Gleeson describes the result of sin by stating â€Å"the harmony of people with their God, with their fellow men and women, and withShow MoreRelatedThe Working Life Essay1355 Words  | 6 Pages The belief that work is morally good is the definition of work ethic provided by The American Heritage Dictionary. Work can mean different things to different people. Usually, when we first think of a word and its meaning, we look at its definition. When defining what is morally good, one must remain open to past societal meanings of what was considered moral. 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